I’ve been building high quality iOS applications for over 10 years for companies big, small, and inbetween. I take pride in creating fast, reliable, and maintainable software quickly. I have a good eye for UI and a deep understanding of the platform and how people use it. I also have the technical ability to implement whatever is needed under the hood. You can check out some of my previous work here.

Full Time

I’m always open to hearing about interesting full time work opportunities. I’m primarily looking for interesting iOS work but am also more than happy to work on back-end services or quickly learn something new. I’d be particularly interested in Python, Go, back-end API work, or something involving spatial data. I’m experienced in leading small teams of engineers and doing whatever needs to be done to create or support a product. If you have something that you think fits please reach out!


I’m currently available for 10-20 hours per week of iOS development work. Whether you are starting a new app, adding features, or just need some bugs, performance, or usability issues fixed up quickly I can help. I have experience working with UI, networking, data storage and caching, video, image filtering, Bluetooth, In App Purchases, App Store, and enterprise distribution, as well as just about anything else.

Have a project in mind or some questions? Email Chris